Gra Track

Simplify tip distribution and increase gratuities with GraTrack

The Tip Solution

GraTrack is a comprehensive tip tracking and gratuity management software application that allows you to distribute and pay tips on payroll, replacing cash payouts and manual calculations in spreadsheets. You can pool and distribute tips by shift, day, or entire pay period based on the number of hours worked by each server, bartender, and other pool participants within a specific time frame.

How GraTrack integrates with Toast

With this integration, you can easily distribute tip income based on hours worked by position in a variety of ways. Information by net sales by employee by sales category, total tips and gratuity for every employee, and time attendance information from Toast is transferred into GraTrack.

Key Benefits

Visit GraTrack for more information!

More integrations to help you run at full speed


Fantuan builds the platform for you to connect with your customers. Eliminating the hassle of taking phone call orders, our smart platform helps increase efficiency. Partners are also able to view their order statistics, in order to improve operations.

Uber Direct

Uber Direct enables restaurants to offer local delivery for orders placed on their Toast Online Ordering site using Uber’s global network of delivery people

Sagacity Golf

Boost your course revenue and streamline operations with Sagacity Golf's powerful tee time management platform—reliable and efficient

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